Mobile Ecosystem Management & Control

Countries lose millions of dollars each year due to illegal import, smuggling, and under-invoicing of mobile devices—even when declaring products to the Customs authorities at the port of entry.

Not only are governments forced to bear a hefty loss in tax revenues, but they also lose visibility into what devices are brought into the country. When unchecked, importers can bring devices that are counterfeit, contain malware posing security threats to the country, stolen, or simply non-compliant that do not meet the in-country regulator's criteria for device certification.

Our mobile registration system builds a national device database consisting of all mobiles present in the country and active on networks. We deploy the system under the policy and regulatory framework in cooperation with the country's telecom regulator and mobile operators.


Our solution, DeWise, is an intelligent end-to-end technology platform that provides comprehensive functionality to ensure the eradication of all illegal, counterfeit, stolen, non-compliant, and fraudulent devices in the country by addressing all aspects of the mobile ecosystem.

The implementation of this platform in its entirety ascertains adherence to mobile policy and regulatory framework by providing a full automation of the mobile registration process, classification, consumer notification, device verification, system audit, device blocking, and reporting of the complete device ecosystem in the country.

The platform provides for device access control through identification and verification of device characteristics against various national and international databases, as well as integration with mobile networks. The system monitors the installed base of devices, along with all new devices that are activated on the mobile networks; this ensures only legal devices are present in the country.

Additionally, the system features allow for granting amnesty to existing non-compliant devices in the country that the regulator may wish to allow to operate on the networks for a given period of time.

System Implementation Modes

There are two types of mechanisms and technology platforms available that determine which devices are granted access to operate on the mobile networks in a country.

These mechanisms have been generally referred to as Blacklist and Whitelist solutions that operate—either completely or in part—in offline analysis, or in synchronized or real-time authorization modes.

Recently, the industry has been adopting new terminology and is beginning to refer to these systems as Permissive and Restrictive. Each mechanism has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Blacklist Based System Implementation

In a blacklist based implementation, all mobile devices are allowed to operate on the networks—unless they are explicitly blocked from receiving service when they are identified and categorized as unauthorized based on the defined rules and regulations set by the in-country authority.

Whitelist Based System Implementation

In a whitelist based implementation, devices are blocked from accessing the network unless they are explicitly allowed in the whitelist.

Furthermore, there are two modes possible within the whitelist based solution: Synchronize mode, which distributes the whitelist to all connected MNOs to perform IMEI checks locally, and Authorize mode, which requires MNOs to perform IMEI checks from the central database in real-time for all new devices.

Our Solutions Support All

Our Platform Supports All System Implementation Mechanisms and All Modes